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Why Crypto Launchpads and IDO Platforms in 2024 Are More Relevant than Ever

Why Crypto Launchpads and IDO Platforms in 2024 Are More Relevant than Ever

GamesPad: Why Crypto Launchpads and IDO Platforms in 2024 Are More Relevant than Ever 1

In the fast-changing world of cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi), crypto launchpads have become a hot topic, especially with the 2024 Bull Market in full swing. They play a crucial role in shaping market trends like never before.

Initial DEX Offering (IDO) platforms like GamesPad act as launchpads for new tokens, helping projects raise funds, attract investors, and get noticed in the crypto community right from the start.

Let’s dive into how launchpads impact crypto projects, engage investors, and contribute to the wider DeFi system.

Understanding Crypto Launchpads and How They Help to Raise Funds for Promising Projects

Crypto launchpad launching a new project

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Crypto launchpads are like launch platforms for new promising projects and tokens in the decentralized world. They provide various services, such as token sales, adding liquidity for the crypto space, and involving the community, to help emerging projects get noticed and popular in the competitive crypto market.

IDOs, known as Initial DEX Offerings, are a type of token sale held on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) through launchpad platforms.

Unlike traditional ways of raising money like traditional initial coin offerings (ICOs or IEOs), which usually happen on centralized exchanges, initial DEX offerings occur directly on DEXs. This makes them more accessible, transparent, and decentralized for everyone involved.

The Impact of IDO Launchpads on the Market and New Promising Projects

Getting ready for the surge

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This year, there’s been a big surge in getting access to early stage projects right from the start. There were tokens that have shot up in value, ranging from 10 to 20 times their initial offering prices.

IDO launchpads make it possible for regular investors to join in on these early-stage projects. It lets them take part in IDO crypto launchpad token sales and support new ideas they believe in, with better checks and balances.

By making it easier to get involved and giving everyone an equal chance, launchpads prioritize community engagement and make investing in crypto projects more open and decentralized.

Supplying Liquidity and Making Markets

Launchpads to attract trading volume and supply liquidity

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IDO crypto platforms provide enough money and create liquidity depth for newly launched tokens. This way, launchpads enable projects to find the right prices for tokens thus influencing market trends and boosting community building.

Through things like putting money in liquidity pools and smart trading strategies, crypto launchpad platforms help keep token prices steady, attract trading, and make sure there’s enough money for early stage projects.

Increasing Community Engagement

A crypto launchpad focuses on increasing community engagement and letting them have a say in how crypto project is run in the highly competitive crypto market. With features like voting and decentralized groups (DAOs), launchpad communities can work together to decide where projects are headed, how to use money, and shape the future of the whole system.

Sharing Out Tokens Fairly

A crypto launchpad makes sure tokens are shared out in a fair and open way. An IDO launchpad uses things like giving certain retail investors special access, random draws, and schedules for when tokens can be used. This helps stop too much control by one person, keeps people interested in the tokens for the long term, and helps to stabilize token prices.

Growing the Ecosystem and Bringing New Ideas

Growing the ecosystem

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By giving a place for early stage crypto projects to start, initial DEX offerings (IDOs) launchpads help the broader DeFi ecosystem grow and get better. They kick off new ideas, ways of doing things, and tools, pushing forward the whole world of decentralized finance and blockchain tech.

Challenges and Opportunities in 2024

Regulatory challenges

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Complying with Regulatory Requirements

There’s a lot of uncertainty about the rules for launchpads, IDOs, and token sales. Authorities are keeping a close eye on token sales and fundraisingfor innovative projects. To stay out of trouble and keep people’s trust, reputable launchpad platforms need to follow the rules and be open about what they’re doing allowing retail investors to support innovative initiatives.

Keeping Things Safe

Crypto launchpad projects and investors face risks from hackers and problems with smart contracts. Platforms need to put security first, regularly check for risks, and do their homework to stay safe from attacks.

Lots of Competition

More and more crypto launchpads are popping up, making it tough for new crypto projects to get noticed. Projects need to find ways to stand out, like having unique ideas, strong communities, and good plans for their tokens, to catch investors’ eyes in a crowded market.

Making Things Run Smoothly with Funds Raised

Sometimes, the blockchain gets crowded and slow, making it hard for crypto launchpads to sell tokens smoothly. Platforms need to find ways to fix these issues, like using new tech or working with other blockchains, to make sure everything runs well and people can buy tokens easily.

Top Crypto Launchpads to Pick from


GamesPad is a crypto launchpad from the BullPerks team. BullPerks is a leading crypto launchpad that has seen a whopping 7355% average return on all its deals, just four months after it finished raising private funds.

The project is backed by a group of advisors who are experts in the tech world, with more than 20 years of experience combined. These are talented folks who are the best in their fields, and they work to turn startup ideas into the reality.


BullPerks is a top-ranked Decentralized VC and multi-chain crypto launchpad, which has swiftly ascended to prominence as a leader since its inception in June 2021, and maintained that position by consistently launching over 65 projects and with funds raised exceeding $16 million.

This achievement of the crypto launchpad is bolstered by a robust community engagement of hundreds of thousands of followers across various social media platforms.

Key factors setting BullPerks apart include its unwavering commitment to a community-first ethos, ensuring affordability and inclusivity for a broad spectrum of participants.

Moreover, the crypto launchpad is distinguished by its adherence to transparency, fairness, and a professional approach in all its dealings. These core principles have been instrumental in BullPerks’ rapid rise and enduring success in the landscape of decentralized finance and venture capital.

DAO Maker

DAO Maker stands out as a unique crypto launchpad because it’s geared towards retail-oriented startups. Since its launch, the crypto launchpad has shifted to encourage more investor participation from a wider range of people. This has opened up opportunities for many members of crypto community and investors to get involved in venture capital through DAO Maker.

Beyond just successful launches of past projects, DAO Maker also focuses on developing and investing in technologies that promote growth, boost market efficiency, while also supporting ecosystems that find ways to reduce risks associated with investing in crypto and enabling projects to raise funds.

If you’re looking to launch a project using DAO Maker’s IDO platform, it smoothly integrates with platforms like 1inch, Wanchain, and Ronin, among others.


Seedify is another IDO launchpad focused on blockchain projects and innovations in the decentralized ecosystem. This decentralized incubator supports the development of the next wave of crypto-based apps and solutions, while also valuing input and participation from project users and the community.

What’s special about Seedify is that anyone can share their idea or innovation on the platform thuss securing funding. Instead of being at the mercy of a select few, projects launching there are chosen through community voting for initial funding via an initial exchange offering.

To see the latest platforms that got seed funding, you can check them out on PancakeSwap, Avalanche, Solana, and Kucoin. By using these platforms, Seedify is creating a pathway for blockchain projects launching in a decentralized way and offering them an easy way to promote their ideas.

The best part about Seedify is that it lets you invest in a blockchain project when it is still in the early stages. For investors looking for fresh and exciting opportunities, Seedify could be a great initial exchange offering option to explore.

Binance Launchpad

In the world of crypto launchpads, Binance Launchpad stands out as a top contender, drawing significant attention as a leading force in 2024.

Recognized for its transformative impact, Binance Launchpad supports promising blockchain projects by providing them with a platform to raise funds and gain strong community backing.

What makes Binance Launchpad so appealing is its dedication to innovation and its pioneering use of Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs).

By utilizing Binance’s well-established exchange infrastructure, the platform allows projects to directly introduce their tokens to a large and engaged user base. This unique approach ensures a high level of credibility and security, along with liquidity provision, that resonates with both project teams and investors.

As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, with new investment strategies appearing constantly, Binance Launchpad remains a dynamic platform to keep an eye on, ready to fuel the success stories of tomorrow’s groundbreaking ventures.


Polkastarter is a decentralized exchange (DEX) made for cross-chain token pools and bids, providing a permissionless setting for each token sale and token distribution. Operating on the Polkadot network, it offers a platform for projects to raise funds in a decentralized way.

Using Polkastarter, ICO projects can secure funding by setting up swap liquidity pools with fixed token purchase rates. These pools keep the token price steady during the token sales until the initial supply runs out.


BSCPad is an IDO platform that helps projects in token distribution to investors and ensures liquidity provision on the Binance Smart Chain. It prides itself on offering fair and decentralized project launches for all users. With BSCPad, blockchain projects find a way to create liquidity while tackling some of the issues linked with staking.

For instance, even if you manage to gather enough tokens to join a specific project, the cost can be too high. And simply staking the coins doesn’t guarantee you a spot in the allocation.

However, with BSCPad, everyone holding the token gets their fair share, no matter their investment size.

Projects using BSCPad typically go through two rounds of fundraising. This ensures that all levels of investors receive token allocation. BSCPad stands out in guiding projects from ideation to launch by offering top-tier advisory, legal support, development, and investment strategies.

No matter the size of your cryptocurrency project, BSCPad is there to help you bring your vision to life.

KuCoin Spotlight

KuCoin Spotlight is a top-tier Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) launchpad in the crypto world. Being a reputable exchange, KuCoin provides blockchain projects with an exclusive platform to launch their tokens and raise funds directly from a large user base. Prioritizing quality and innovation, KuCoin carefully chooses projects based on strict standards, adding credibility to the projects featured on its Spotlight.

Gate.io Startup

Gate.io Startup, an Initial Exchange Offering (IEO) platform linked with the reputable Gate.io cryptocurrency exchange, provides a strong avenue for blockchain startups to present their projects and raise capital directly from a diverse user base. Known for its dedication to excellence and innovation, Gate.io Startup carefully selects projects through a rigorous evaluation process, enhancing the credibility of the ventures showcased.

What sets Gate.io Startup apart is its commitment to delivering a smooth and secure token sale experience. The platform’s user-friendly interface simplifies investor participation, while its adherence to regulatory standards is demonstrated through thorough Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) procedures.

By enabling the direct purchase of tokens using the exchange’s native cryptocurrency or other accepted digital assets, Gate.io Startup acts as a bridge between promising projects and enthusiastic investors.

As a symbol of reliability and investor protection, Gate.io Startup leads the way in the crypto launchpad landscape, embodying the dynamism and security desired in cryptocurrency fundraising.


GameFi.org is a comprehensive esports ecosystem that covers fantasy gaming, betting, lotteries, PVP games, and an NFT marketplace. Its main goal is to become a global platform where users can freely interact and play games across borders. Notably, it’s the only launchpad tailored specifically for gaming projects and works with various blockchain networks.

One of GameFi.org’s main challenges is dealing with high fees from existing providers, which often make users unhappy. To solve this, GameFi.org plans to tokenize its platform using blockchain technology.

This allows for fast transactions, better efficiency, and offers a unique benefitโ€”an impressive 51% dividend for stakeholders. To keep user data secure, GameFi.org uses Solana blockchain technology. It also focuses on keeping costs low and providing a fast user experience.

Knowing that many fantasy sports fans might not be familiar with blockchain tech, GameFi.org aims to make things easy. The platform handles all the technical stuff, so players can enjoy games smoothly. To ensure fairness, GameFi.org records and displays every in-game action. Plus, it accepts cryptocurrency for payments, making it accessible to users worldwide.


Last but certainly not least on our list of top crypto launchpads is TrustPad. This decentralized platform offers fundraising across multiple blockchains, providing early-stage investing and fundraising opportunities for organizations looking for secure funds distribution.

Built on the Binance blockchain, TrustPad seamlessly integrates with Solana, Ethereum, MetaMask, and many other platforms. Its mission is to simplify the fundraising experience by eliminating the friction and challenges often associated with other platforms.

Through TrustPad, users can earn returns on their investments, fostering a long-term environment where new investors can learn about blockchain operations and transactions. Whether you’re a large business, a small business, or just starting out, TrustPad is dedicated to ensuring your IDO is successful.

Looking Ahead


Source: Freepik

Crypto launchpads have become really important in the blockchain ecosystem. Launchpads democratize access to potentially successful projects, attract liquidity, boost investor participation, get people involved, and build communities.

By using IDOs and selling tokens of new projects on decentralized exchanges, initial decentralized offerings make it easier for everyone to join in early on exciting potentially successful projects and bring new ideas to life in the decentralized investment landscape. These platforms open the world of top-tier investment to anybody who would like to be a part of it but didn’t have enough resources to participate earlier.

In 2024, we’ll likely see more businesses, both new projects and established ones, using the IDO launchpad space to get onto the blockchain technology. The big, trusted launchpads will probably get most of the attention and business from businesses coming from the traditional web.

With the introduction of clear regulatory frameworks, this sector is poised to grow and speed up the mass adoption of blockchain technology in general and crypto currency specifically.

Even with challenges like following rules and dealing with technical stuff, crypto launchpad platforms keep playing a big role in shaping the future of a broader DeFi ecosystem and blockchain. They ensure the accessibility and fairness and boost the development of the space.

As crypto keeps growing, crypto launchpad platforms will stay important for making things bigger, getting more people involved, and making things more decentralized in the years to come.