Fragmint is a one-stop solution for celebrities, festivals, and big franchises to launch and do NFT drops, capitalizing on their fandom. This cutting-edge project enables high-end art piece fragmentation for mass-market accessibility and creating a sub-economy. We are thrilled to host another AMA session with Fragmint’s Chief Executive, Stoyan Angelov, who told us more about the project and upcoming plans. Read on to find out more!
GamesPad admin: We are excited to welcome Stoyan, the chief executive of Fragmint, who is here with us today to answer your questions. So, let’s get this show on the road!
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Hey hey! Thank you for the invitation. I am thrilled to partner with you and your community on the IDO of Fragmint.
GamesPad admin: Hello, and very welcome, Stoyan! I hope you’re having a great day!
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Absolutely! I am ready to have an educational and fun AMA session with you.
GamesPad admin: Great! Please remember to type “DONE” when you’re done answering. So, the first question of this session: can you briefly describe your project to our GamesPad community?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): First of all, I want to start by sharing our explainer video that provides an excellent project overview. Watch it!
So, Fragmint is a one-stop solution for celebrities, festivals, and big franchises to launch and do NFT drops, capitalizing on their fandom. It enables high-end art piece fragmentation for mass-market accessibility and creating a sub-economy.
Fragmint introduces a general governance voting system that allows the power users to vote for different decisions related to further platform development and upcoming auctions. Fragmint also gives DAO structure available for the owners of the different valuable NFTs generated during the various auctions.
GamesPad admin: Thanks for this video tutorial. The next question: how does your project stand out from the others?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): We believe that with the market change now, valuable NFTs will be created mostly with a clear idea of every project’s utility and IP. Also, engaging in a mutually valuable way with the communities of these collections.
We are building the first Fragmented NFT Platform with formable DAOs. In addition, we are creating independent communities and empowering their creative use of decentralized mechanisms.
Our focus is on the premium segment also, with high-end actors, Hollywood studios, musicians, and any entertainers being part of our uniqueness. We have already signed 2 of the biggest Hollywood studios that we will announce soon.
GamesPad admin: Yaaayyyyy! You rocked, Hollywood!
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Yes. Soon it will be announced officially with the first premium NFT campaign. It will be for one of their movies as fragmented NFTs.
GamesPad admin: Amazing! Please let us know about your project’s latest updates and achievements.
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): For the last four months, we focused on three main directions:
1. Building up the platform and features that users can already explore and register on our platform.
2. We also focused on community and user base growth. We have already reached a significant number of users – 50 000 + and a community of 150 000 + people in our channels.
3. Onboarding quality creators to prepare for NFT launches on the platform. We have 500+ registered creators, collections, and premium NFT campaigns that will be handled shortly on the platform. Every creator can apply to become an early adopter here.
In addition, I can say that the current down of the markets is allowing the real developers to show up and prove that they are here because of the innovation and tech, and not only for the hype.
GamesPad admin: Nice, users and creators both are gonna benefit. Tell us more about your team, backers, and advisors.
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): The thing is, we are a highly motivated team working on the project for almost a year and having a working experience together on Evedo’s Ecosystem for the last 5 years with the clear goal to bring innovation to the event and entertainment industry. You can check our whole team and advisors on our Team page.
Some of the names I can mention are Thomas Papa Smith, Yoni Yunger (Millenium Films Hollywood), Rostik Rusev, Emanuil Pavlov (Ispolink). They are helping us with contacts and networks and helping us to make the right decisions.
Some of our backers and partners include:
GamesPad admin: Great! I can see your spirit! The last question of this session. Ready? Please, tell us more about short-term and long-term goals of Fragmint.
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Thank you for this question!
We aim to build up our first NFT campaigns this year and to grow to 250 000 active users. ( we already achieved around 25% of these users ) FRAG token, staking, release in exchanges, and platform implementation are also priorities.
We aim to become one of the top curated platforms worldwide and to provide a unique gateway to amazing artists, entertainers, Hollywood actors, musicians, and DJs to do unique NFTs with unique utilities.
GamesPad admin: I would suggest sharing your roadmap with our community.
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Sure thing. Here you can see our roadmap.
GamesPad admin: Great, thanks! Now we will move on to the next section. So let us now open the channel for our community’s questions. Ready?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Yes! I am ready to start.
GamesPad admin: Please respect our guests and note that any questions irrelevant to the AMA will be deleted. In case of repeating the irrelevant questions during an External AMA, the users will be muted for a day on repeat offense. I will now be unmuting the channel momentarily.
Crypto King DeFi: Where are you planning to list top10 / top20? Thank you.
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): For the first CEX, we aim to be in the top 10. We are now negotiating with a few small tier one exchanges and a couple of tier 2.
Unknown M: When are you announcing the big-signed Hollywood studios?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): We are ready with the art and do the final preparations for the marketing campaign around the first NFT campaign. We aim for November.
Andrew: Can we expect more fashion weeks and big shows in the Metaverse? Will these events get more interest and create more revenue than physical ones?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): For sure. Events are our expertise, and we believe there will be many synergies with festivals as well.
Thug Doge: Total supply of $FRAG?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): The token smart contract with all the details can be found here.
Hoang Hai: PARTNERS are the most important that strengthen the ecosystems of all projects. Could you tell us about your project partners and their adopted partnership strategy?
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Yes, we have mentioned some of them above. You can also check out our website.
Sharp Learner: What do you mean by “IP?”
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Intellectual Property 👌
GamesPad admin: Great AMA, Stoyan, and thank you! It was amazing to have you here today!
Stoyan Angelov (Fragmint CEO): Thank you for the great session! I hope you will be very happy to join our channels: Twitter, Telegram, and Discord.
GamesPad admin: Thank you, everyone, for joining us today; we sure had a blast.